
A musical odyssey that encapsulates over a decade of unwavering dedication and passion

The “Addiction” EP cover art is a visual chronicle of Yaw Ray’s transformative journey, a testament to how music became his refuge. The captivating interplay of purple hues, musical notes, a compact disk, and his silhouette behind a studio microphone captures the essence of his life’s rhythm. The swirling smoke signifies the enigmatic and magical power of music which rescued him from his darkest moments.

The “Addiction” EP is a musical odyssey that encapsulates over a decade of unwavering dedication and passion. From the humble beginnings of Walkmans and Ghetto blasters to the digital era of streaming, it’s a journey marked by resilience and an unyielding commitment to the craft.

The tracks echo the sacrifices, from sleepless nights in studios to investing all, fueled not by fame or fortune, but an unquenchable love for music. This project is more than a collection of songs; it’s a testament to the chef’s dedication, turning the preparation of soul-nourishing music into a lifelong art.

“Addiction” is a labor of love, a melody that goes beyond notes, a promise to consistently make you feel the essence of Yaw Ray.
